Archivo de la categoría 'Employees'

Identifying impulsive twitts


Twitter is a quick communication phenomenon. People from their workplace, Blackberry or mobile phone can publish comments about a moment. What are they doing, thinking or comment anything about their own. One of recurring topics is work. But, be careful with this impulsive communication tool! People can make public all they want without any supervision, everything they want, or have in their head at that moment.

An irritated employee can twitt his last discussion with his manager, and share with ALL INTERNET. But…, what happen if you know where the guy works? or you are his boss? (because you know him, or you see his working company in the contact info of one of his personal net spaces: blog, MySpace or Photoblog).


Francesc Grau

Obrero de la comunicación ? CEO de Chatprise ? y autor ? de libros, artículos y este humilde blog

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