
At any time and anywhere, you (your personal brand) or your business may suffer a crisis. There are many different kinds of crises, but we work with online crises.

Offline (classical) crises can be very destructive, and they are. But online, the scene is a bit different from out there. Online crises have a lot of important characteristics that can be foreseen and managed.

In this blog, I will share with you a lot of cases, could been prevented before they broke out in public (most of them), and other interesting cases where the crisis has been incubated. There will be comments to read in a few minutes, and they will give you real current affairs cases.

You will see that Online crisis management is a very important part of your business (or personal) communication.

Come on!


Francesc Grau

Obrero de la comunicación ? CEO de Chatprise ? y autor ? de libros, artículos y este humilde blog

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