
Informative resources of this US electoral campaign for the White House course are amazing. Two weeks ago, I’ve seen a pair of sites that likes me. Both are spoof sites (funny sites) and emulate seriously websites. This kind of communication could be disinformation or deformed information depending on its source.

I like to know this type of online communication, because humor has a direct relation with creativity finding optimal names for these sites. For example, the first is PryceIsNotRight. It referrers to congresswoman Deborah Pryce in a critical sense. With a look like a fruit machine from Las Vegas, user can enjoy with an online trivia asking for some funny questions, ridiculizing Mrs. Pryce and her work in House.

Second one is a fake of classical The American Weekly magazine (published in US between 1896 and 1966), served as a sensationalist stories supplement. Well, this spoof publication launched by the Republican National Committee for this campaign is AmericaWeakly. It’s funny and humorous. Take a look!

All these online actions made increase internet dialogs, opinions and commentaries about candidates, their parties, and points of their electoral programs. I’m going to examine closely.


Francesc Grau

Obrero de la comunicación ? CEO de Chatprise ? y autor ? de libros, artículos y este humilde blog

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